Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Speed reading

This is how Riley "reads" all of her books!

It's actually very cute to watch. We are hard pressed to get through any story with her. As soon as Riley realizes that we are reading her a story, she immediately wants to be holding the book so she can turn the pages. I'm hard pressed to say which book is her favorite. I guess, of mine, I'd go with this kid's book that I own, Fudge-a-Mania by Judy Blume. She loves to look at the cover of that book! Of hers, I find it much harder to choose. Really any book that clearly shows the characters' faces will be a hit with her. We have these very simple books that just have closeup pictures of babies while the babies are doing things (smiling, eating, taking a bath, etc). She LOVES those books!

On a separate note, can you believe that in exactly 2 weeks Riley will turn 1 year old?! In the words of my father, "Holy mackerel!"

1 comment:

James said...

Yay! Soon she'll (however briefly) be a positive integer for the first time ever! No mere "natural number" for her.