Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Wow! We're at 75% of a year! Crazy!

Riley had her 9-month checkup today, and as expected, "passed" with flying colors. (Where did that expression come from anyway? What are flying colors? Maybe a kite? Anyhoo... I digress.) Riley is 28 inches long (63rd percentile), while her head circumference is 17.5 inches (64th %). Riley's official weight was 18 lbs 14 oz (49th %), although I am disputing that (not officially - only to myself and, well, you all). The way the doctor's office staff weighed her was to put her on a scale and watch the weight fluctuate from 18 lbs 13 oz to 19 lbs 4 oz, and then just stated a number that Riley seemed to be at the longest. Very inexact. I guess the exact weight isn't that big a deal, as they are looking for a range, but still...

Riley had no shots today (woo-hoo!), although Cam and I got our flu shots. Cam said it was good practice at not showing your child that you don't like something. I guess...

(Edit by Cam: I'm not sure scrunching your entire face up in one gigantic wince counts as "not showing"...)

All in all, it was a pretty uneventful doctor's visit, the kind we like! Riley is right on track developmentally for everything. The doctor said that pointing at things and clapping were stuff they expect to see starting to happen around 12 months. Good stuff.

Below are some Christmas pictures...

1 comment:

Laura said...

I decided that one shouldn't not show their child that they don't like something. Rather, as it turns out, sometimes you have to do something even if you don't like it.