Sunday, November 2, 2008

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

These people, my parents I mean, are supposed to be college educated, right? If so, then please tell me why they couldn't figure out that I was relaying to them this very famous idiom. After breakfast, when I was ever so calmly cleaning my bowl, I overheard them saying that I was the "cutest go bootest" (ugh - baby talk) and they loved how I was experimenting with different sounds. Aaah! I wasn't experimenting with different sounds people! I was trying to tell you something, i.e. more apples! I'm not sure why it took my parents so long to let me eat them. I love them and they're good for me! What more can you ask for?

I don't know. Maybe I'm being a bit sensitive and perhaps I wasn't all that clear. See for yourself.

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