Hip, hip, hooray! I LOVE avocado. What a perfect food it is. I'm glad that Mommy and Daddy are letting me enjoy this for a little bit, before starting me out on the next one. They say that next up is sweet potato. It sounds yummy, and I know Mommy and Daddy will do a great job cooking it for me. I think I might want to try squash after that (grams says that acorn squash is best, so we'll go with that), and then probably bananas.
Mommy and me are going to a baby food making class next week. That should be a lot of fun, where I'll get to see other babies and Mommy can learn lots of fun recipes to make me.
Happy me!
Don't believe the propaganda, Riley!! Sure, "sweet" things are good, and potatoes are good, but sweet potatoes are disgusting. Besides, at your age, you should be thinking more of Sweet Pickles ("..smart moms know how kids minds grow up on Sweet Pickles..") than sweet potatoes. (In the early 80's, dads didn't care, apparently, about their kids minds.)
Interestingly, I now have to type a word that looks like a vowel-less curse word to verify I'm not a spammer.
Hmmm... Mommy says that you just might be a spammer though.
I'll let you know about my opinion of sweet potatoes in a few days. I'm SURE Mommy and Daddy will post a video. (Those people are crazy, what with all their "Quick! Go get the video camera nonsense." Honestly. Don't they have anything better to do?)
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