Saturday, October 11, 2008

6 months and international already

Riley turned 6 months a few weeks ago, but due to delays in getting our insurance and a hectic schedule (both us and the doctor's office), we weren't able to get Riley in to her 6 month well-check visit until today. Lo and behold, the prognosis from Riley's new pediatrician was the same as her old one... she's perfect! Okay, she didn't say those exact words, but that was definitely the sentiment.

Riley is 50th percentile in weight (16 lbs 7.2 oz), 75th percentile in height (26 3/4 inches), and 70th percentile in head circumference (43.4 cm). As you all know by the videos and pictures we've posted, Riley's started solids, and the doctor says to keep doing what we're doing. The nurse commented that having Riley as the last patient of the day was the perfect way to end her day (and those were her exact words) because Riley was so good for her.

Since I try not to make a post without sharing either a video clip or photo, I thought I'd share one which will follow Riley around for the next little while... Riley's passport photo. Yep, that's right. Riley's getting a passport. Apparently, even babies are required to have a passport, even if they are only going across the border to Canada. They are good for 5 years, which seems absolutely ridiculous to me since she won't look like this next month, let alone 5 years from now!

Anyway, I thought this was too hilarious not to share. Doesn't she remind you of E.T. a little bit? Gotta love the open mouth and drool coming out.

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