Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An assortment

Here are a bunch of pictures from the past few weeks.

Here's Riley on Cam's favorite chair in the house. I love the outfit; it's so soft. The only problem is that everyone kept commenting on what a beautiful son I had. :)

Here we are on our way to Granny and Grandpa M.'s house. If you can't tell, Riley was out cold.

This is just a beautiful shot of Riley, don't you think?

Not a good picture of me (what else is new?), but Riley was super snuggly that day.

Here's Riley hanging out in our lovely, lovely outside space.

Riley playing in her room, with the very first stuffed animal she ever received (thanks Grams and Jareds!)

Riley and Uncle Keith getting a few laughs from the "Brevity" (it's a comic strip) calendar.

Riley and Aunt Tricia. I think Riley's enchanted with the earrings... they're so shiny!

Riley (in her future math major onesie) and Cam in Cam's new office.

Here she is sucking on her first "mom-"sicle in her own room... she loved the "mom-"sicle, BTW.

Fast friends!

Since she's been rejecting the bottle, we've taken to teaching her to drink from a cup. Here we are introducing the straw for the very first time. Although she did start to figure it out at the end, mostly she just ended up chewing on it.

To paraphrase a famous saying, "Like father, like daughter." Gotta love the arm!

Okay, that's it. Hope you enjoyed 'em!

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